Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, like any new year comes another round of "New" resolutions for me...but I'm happy to say, that I was lucky enough to start this one last Spring.
Not that I started another diet or stopped drinking my favorite drink...Diet Dr. Pepper but actually got off my "...." and exercised...
I started walking early every morning around the neighborhood and I've actually started to like it! I don't see myself signing up for any marathon or race...but at least I found that this small activity ( about 3-4 miles daily) has helped me creatively too.
Clears my mind and gets those artistic juices going. So for all those who have that on their Resolutions list...keep going, you might be surprised you might like the change and enjoying yourself as well. So get yourself some great new music for your MP3 players, lace up and go for it! For inspiration...a favorite antique illustration above...that reminds me that it could be possible to fit into something nice without the day.


cotedetexas said...

oy - I made no resolutions because I never keep them! good luck with yours!

thank you so much for your comment - much much appreciated!!!


. said...

Ha I'm feeling it also. Those christmas cookies do it everytime. Hugs, Denise